Contact us

You strongly believe like us, that UULApp can change our web thinking,also can provide safety to our children and more education opportunities.If you are just an investor and you have a question about UULApp please feel free to write us, using the email address below.  Our team would be very happy to answer any of your questions regarding our project!

Please keep in mind that we answer every email or letter! Νevertheless we will need your understanding and your support since there are many questions concerning our project and at this stage we respond as quickly as we can.

Thank you in advance,

UULApp Team


NGO organizations

If you represent a nonprofit organization please write to us and provide us with more information about your organization and your purposes.

Please tell us how to improve ourselves and how to expand our services!

ngo @



If you are a student in university and you want to be part of UULApp organizations, please send us your contact details.

volunteers @



If you are a school representative and you would like to send our promotional material and more info, please write to us in the following email address:

schools @



If you are a student and you would like to submit your questions about UULApp, you are our first priority so please use the email below:

students @



If you are an investor and you are interested in participating in our project ,please use the following email: invest @

Please don't forget to provide us with your legitimate contact details (telephone numbers, address, location, occupation or company name etc)



If you just want to ask our assistant please write us to:

secretary @


In any other case please use our general email:

info @